Come and stretch your body, tone your muscles, relax your mind, deepen your breath and leave your worries at the door.

Termly fees (£45.50)


£7 per class (drop in)

Classes suitable for all levels of ability and flexibility

2024 term dates and information:

Term: 10th, 17th, 24th September, 1st, 8th  15th & 22nd October (7weeks)

Recharge, Energise, Radiate .

During this autumn half-term we aim to bring our full attention to cultivating gratitude, contentment & happiness. 

As the earth begins to cool, and the days start to darken we will be practicing yoga to increase the heat and stabilising energy of our bodies.  Creating a weekly mood and energy boost to allow the mind, body and spirit to remain grounded and cultivate a attitude of gratitude.

Come and be uplifted!


Tuesday 7 - 8 pm


Cotton Village Hall, Blacksmith Road,  Cotton, IP14 4QN

Cost: £45.50 for the term or £7 drop in price